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Designing the Optimal Hybrid Workplace

Telecommuting existed long before the COVID-19 pandemic made it the norm. Now, in this post-pandemic world, employees view a flexible hybrid workplace option as a must-have.

To meet the needs of their employees and still meet the goals of the business, company leaders must work to blend in-person office work and remote work into the perfect hybrid model so that their employees stay engaged and productive.

How can you incorporate office space planning & redesigning at your business to provide the optimal hybrid workplace? Read on to learn more about four key areas where you can focus your efforts.

Provide Work Location Flexibility to Your Employees

Before the pandemic, employees did not consider flexibility to be an option. The pandemic showed both employees and company leaders that workers could be offered flexibility and still remain productive and engaged. A recent survey by LinkedIn showed that about half of employees want flexible hours and work locations and have prioritized those options when considering job opportunities.

Workplace flexibility gives your employees the opportunity to thrive. They can save money on the commute, on work clothes, and on eating out. Employees are not the only ones to receive benefits from work location flexibility. Businesses see an increase in employee retention, loyalty, productivity and engagement.

Reevaluate Benefits Offerings

Because of the pandemic, employees of all generations are reevaluating what is important to them. Traditional values like money and titles are no longer as sought after, but instead, things like physical and mental health and workplace safety are now top priorities.

Employees want to be able to tailor their work experience to best reflect what they want out of life. In order to keep employees engaged, companies will need to reevaluate the benefits they offer and match them to the employee’s situation. For example, a working parent might want childcare reimbursement while a single person might want reimbursement for a gym membership. All employees might want increased access to mental health services.

Evolve the Space Available to Employees

After the pandemic began and employees realized they weren’t going back to the physical office anytime soon, they invested in making their home offices as comfortable as possible and to contribute to their overall wellness. From standing desks to treadmill desks, from dual monitors to top-of-the-line headphones, employees have come to expect a top-notch physical environment in which to work.

Workstation office furniture should not only be functional, but it should also contribute to wellness. To determine what your employees need for their office space, listen to their feedback and assess technology needs, especially those that allow hybrid employees to easily share information and collaborate with remote team members.

Create Social Connections

Creating social connections among employees can help keep employees engaged and increase job satisfaction. During the pandemic, employees got a glimpse of their coworkers’ homes, pets, and family members and deepened authentic personal connections. Some companies offered virtual happy hours or mailed care packages with activities for employees to complete together.

Authentic connections are based on mutual respect. Building relationships takes time, but in the end, it is worth it to have a stronger, more dedicated team.

Let’s Start Planning Your Hybrid Office Space

At Office Gallery, we can help create a workspace that is both inviting and efficient. With our office interior design service, we offer start-to-finish assistance in designing a workplace that fits all your hybrid workplace needs.

Contact us today for a consultation.

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